Andrew Rotherham
Andrew Rotherham is a co-founder and partner at Bellwether Education, a national non-profit organization working to support educational innovation and improve educational outcomes for low-income students. He is also the executive editor of Real Clear Education, part of the Real Clear Politics family of news and analysis websites, writes the blog Eduwonk.com, and is the co-publisher of “Education Insider,” a federal policy analysis tool produced by Whiteboard Advisors. Rotherham previously served at the White House as special assistant to the president for domestic policy during the Clinton administration and is a former member of the Virginia Board of Education. He was education columnist for TIME and a regular contributor to U.S. News and World Report.
Rotherham is the author or co-author of more than 250 published articles, book chapters, papers, and op-eds about education policy and politics and is the author or editor of four books on educational policy. He serves on advisory boards and committees for a variety of organizations including Education Pioneers, The Broad Foundation, the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER) and the Center for Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington. Rotherham is Vice Chair of the Curry School of Education Foundation at the University of Virginia, and serves on the Visiting Committee for the Harvard Graduate School of Education.